Gabe Thrasher

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Developing A Video Marketing Strategy

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many businesses that had already invested in video had a much easier time adjusting to the new realities. They were able to make adjustments to their video marketing strategy and create content where it was needed most. Video is the perfect medium for educating, updating communities, and keeping customers engaged. Now more than ever, many activities that were once done in person are now done online.

As a marketer or a business owner of any size, whether it was the global impact of a pandemic or it was marketing goal that had been put on the back burner, you probably came to the realization that a video is no longer an option but rather a requirement. However, it is just as important to realize without a video marketing strategy behind this medium, a video in and of itself can fall flat.

A Video Marketing Strategy Sells

Now, it’s no secret that video is a proven seller; that’s why should take center stage in your overall marketing plan. Landing pages with a video increase conversion rates by over 80%, and the word video in the subject line of an email drive click-through rates up by 65%. In fact, according to real estate studies, home listing with a video gets viewed four times more than homes without and therefore sells much quicker.

Of course, the nuts and bolts of a video marketing strategy will vary depending on the organization. Budget restrictions may limit a marketer from creating the content in-house with limited resources. That’s ok, don’t let that stop you from starting the journey and experimenting with the creation process. I’ve seen marketing videos shot on an iPhone that was many times more engaging than videos shot on the latest and greatest gear. Remember, you are supposed to be the expert in your field. If you are able to convey the information you need to in a video, it doesn’t matter if the video was shot with a budget of $5 or $50,000. Once you decide to create content regularly and with purpose, you’ve already won half of the battle.

Marketing Strategy Research

If you’ve made that decision, here’s where the research begins. Who is your product or service for, and where do they hang out? Is it an older demographic that hangs out on Facebook or a younger mobile viewer who’s glued to TikTok? Your intended audience will not only affect the tone of your projects but there are nuances within the platforms you should be aware of that are tied to the video optimization processes as well.


Once you’ve determined your audience and where they spend time, what should the purpose of your video be? Are you bringing awareness to someone who has never heard of your brand? Are your nurturing consideration through education and engagement? Is the goal to drive customers to make a decision? If so, do you know where they are in your sales funnel? What I have just mentioned could realistically be 3 to 5 separate video series focused on just one product or service.

Find A Video Strategy Partner

A key is to identify someone in your organization who believes in the power of a video marketing strategy as much as you do. I was very fortunate early in my career to work with a who was willing to take risks. We shot no-budget videos for the company we worked for when YouTube was in its very early days. Those videos were fun creating and we learned A LOT from our mistakes. Two of the videos we made were directly responsible for winning some of the largest clients the company ever had and resulted in open doors for us to replicate our efforts with other businesses. Those no/low budget experiences shaped both my video career and my belief in the medium.

When video is working in concert with traditional marketing it can be a powerful combination. If you need a video partner or just a fresh set of eyes on your current efforts please reach out. I’d love to discuss your video marketing goals and see how I may be of help to you.